We will be working at Churchill Park on Saturday May 25, 2024 from 10 a.m. to noon. We will be build 5 anti-deer exclosures, in which we will plant 5 tree and 10 shrub seedlings. Be sure to come into the park from the Thrasher Place entrance. Bring water to drink.Please contact Carol at woltercarol.@gmail.com if you can join the effort!

Lewinsville Park Invasive Removal WORK DAY!
On May 21, we will work in the front of Lewinsville Park from 2 to 4:30 pm with a corporate group. We will set up small cages on the hill we recently cleared of invasives and plant tree or shrub seedlings in each cage. We will have to dig up the roots of any remaining invasives first. All are invited. Bring water to drink. Please contact Carol at woltercarol.@gmail.com if you can join the effort!

Lewinsville Park Invasive Removal WORK DAY!
We will continue working in Lewinsville Park adjacent to the white house on Saturday April 27, 2024 from 10 a.m. to noon. Please contact Carol at woltercarol.@gmail.com if you can join the effort!

Lewinsville Park Invasive Removal WORK DAY!
We will continue working in Lewinsville Park adjacent to the white house on Saturday April 13, 2024 from 10 a.m. to noon. Please contact Carol at woltercarol.@gmail.com if you can join the effort!

Lewinsville Park Invasive Removal WORK DAY!
We will continue working in Lewinsville Park adjacent to the white house on Saturday March 30, 2024 from 10 a.m. to noon. Please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B49ACAA29A5FCCE9-48508977-invasive/1668253#/ or contact Carol at woltercarol.@gmail.com if you can join the effort!

Lewinsville Park Invasive Removal Work DAY!
We will continue working in Lewinsville Park near the front of the park on Thursday April 4, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Please contact Carol at woltercarol.@gmail.com if you can join the effort!

Lewinsville Park Invasive Removal WORK DAY!
We will continue working in Lewinsville Park adjacent to the white house on Saturday March 30, 2024 from 10 a.m. to noon. Please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B49ACAA29A5FCCE9-48508977-invasive/1668253#/ or contact Carol at woltercarol.@gmail.com if you can join the effort!

Lewinsville Park Invasive Removal WORK DAY!
We will continue working in Lewinsville Park adjacent to the white house on Saturday March 23, 2024 from 10 a.m. to noon. Please sit up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B49ACAA29A5FCCE9-48508977-invasive/1668253#/ or contact Carol at woltercarol.@gmail.com if you can join the effort!

Lewinsville Park Invasives Removal Work Day!
We will continue working in Lewinsville Park by the white house on Saturday March 16, 2024 from 10 a.m. to noon. Hoping to get a lot done before the poison ivy starts to bloom! Please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B49ACAA29A5FCCE9-48508977-invasive/1668253#/ or contact Carol at woltercarol.@gmail.com if you can join the effort!

Lewinsville Park Invasive Removal Work DAY!
We will continue working in Lewinsville Park near the front of the park on Thursday March 14, 2024 from 10 a.m. to noon. Please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B49ACAA29A5FCCE9-48508977-invasive/1668253#/ or contact Carol at woltercarol.@gmail.com if you can join the effort!

Lewinsville Park Invasives Removal Work Day!
We will continue working in Lewinsville Park by the white house on February 25, 2024 from 10 a.m. to noon. Hoping to get a lot done before the poison ivy starts to bloom! Please contact Carol at woltercarol.@gmail.com if you can join the effort!

Invasive Removal
We will meet on Monday February 19 (Presidents’ Day) from 10 to 12 noon at Lewinsville Park. We will work by the small white house at the end of the driveway leading to the vegetable gardens. Please contact Carol Wolter at woltercarol@gmail.com to let us know you will join us or if you have questions.

Invasive removal
We will work on Thursday February 15 from 10 am to 2 pm at Lewinsville Park but you are welcome to come for a shorter amount of time. We will continue the work we have been doing by the entrance of the park. Look for large piles of dead vines. Please contact Carol Wolter at woltercarol@gmail.com to let us know you will join us or if you have questions.
Invasive removal at Lewinsville Park, McLean (Copy)
Invasive removal in Lewinsville Park, January 8, 2024 from 1-3 p.m. We will be working members of the Perennial Garden Club to remove invasives next to the smal White House. For more information, please contact Carol Wolter at woltercarol@gmail.com.
Invasive removal at Lewinsville Park, McLean
Invasive removal in Lewinsville Park, January 8, 2024 from 1-3 p.m. We will be working members of the Perennial Garden Club to remove invasives next to the smal White House. For more information, please contact Carol Wolter at woltercarol@gmail.com.
Invasive removal at Lewinsville Park, McLean
Invasive removal in Lewinsville Park, January 4, 2024 from 10am-12 noon. We will be working with Operation Stream Shield workers. We hope to start working on the other side of the street. Feel free to come for less than the indicated 4 hours. For more information, please contact Carol Wolter at woltercarol@gmail.com.
Invasive removal at Lewinsville Park, McLean
Invasive removal in Lewinsville Park, January 2, 2024 from 10am-12 noon. We will be working with Operation Stream Shield workers. We hope to start working on the other side of the street. Feel free to come for less than the indicated 4 hours. For more information, please contact Carol Wolter at woltercarol@gmail.com.
Invasive Species Removal at McLean Central Park
Volunteer with MTF! Join us at McLean Central Park for a morning of invasives removal—we will continue removing the vines from trees that we missed last year. Wear boots please, as the park is muddy!
Invasive Species Removal at LEWINSVILLE PARK
Volunteer with MTF! Join us at Lewinsville Park for a morning of invasive species removal. We will be working with 10 Operation Stream Shield workers to remove the last of the invasive species in part of the park. If all goes well, we hope to start replanting this spring! Feel free to stay for less than the 4 hours indicated.
invasive Removal in Churchill Park, McLean
Invasive removal in Churchill Park. Volunteers should use the park entrance on Thrasher Place. Contact Carol Wolter at woltercarol@gmail.com for more information.

Invasive Species Removal at McLean Central Park
Volunteer with MTF! Join us at McLean Central Park for a day of invasive species removal.

invasive Removal in Churchill Park, McLean
Invasive removal in Churchill Park. Volunteers should use the park entrance on Thrasher Place. Contact Carol Wolter at woltercarol@gmail.com for more information.

Invasive Species Removal at McLean Central Park
Volunteer with MTF! Join us at McLean Central Park for a day of invasive species removal.

Native Trees of McLean Presentation
Join members of the Board of Directors of McLean Trees Foundation at the McLean Community Center on April 10, 2023 from 6pm to 7pm for a presentation on Native Trees of McLean and How to Plant Them

Invasive Species Removal at McLean Central Park
Volunteer with MTF! Join us at McLean Central Park for a day of invasive species removal.

Invasive Species Removal at McLean Central Park
Volunteer with MTF! Join us at McLean Central Park for a day of invasive species removal.

invasive Removal in Churchill Park, McLean
Invasive removal in Churchill Park. Volunteers should use the park entrance on Thrasher Place. Contact Carol Wolter at woltercarol@gmail.com for more information.

Invasive Species Removal at McLean Central Park
Volunteer with MTF! Join us at McLean Central Park for a day of invasive species removal.

Invasive Species Removal at McLean Central Park
Volunteer with MTF! Join us at McLean Central Park for a day of invasive species removal.

Invasive removal at Lewinsville Park, McLean
Invasive removal in Lewinsville Park, February 25 from 10am-12 noon. For more information, please contact Carol Wolter at woltercarol@gmail.com.