why trees are awesome
Photo: PIX1861 via Pixabay
consider this:
“Trees of all sizes contribute immensely to the structural beauty, functionality, and habitat value of a garden.”
-Rick Darke & Doug Tallamy, “The Living Landscape”
Not convinced? Watch this 5-minute video on The Importance of Trees:
Native trees provide the most benefits for our ecosystem.
In his research, Douglas W. Tallamy, Professor of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware, has shown that keystone species, and in particular oak trees, provide superior ecological benefits:
“Ecologically, oaks are superior plants, and it would be easy to make a convincing case that they deliver more ecosystem services than any other tree genus. Many species are massive and sequester tons of carbon in their wood and roots, and they pump tons more into the soil. They are long-lived as well, with some species achieving 900 years, including periods of growth, stasis, and decline. Thus, the carbon they pull from the atmosphere is locked within their tissues for nearly 1000 years.”
– Doug Tallamy,“Nature’s Best Hope”

MTF helps residents plant native trees, including several Oak species, in their neighborhoods and yards.
Photo: Oak Leaves, Analogicus via Pixabay