April is Native Plant Month!
States across America, including the District of Columbia, have designated April as Native Plant Month, thanks to the efforts of The Garden Club of America’s member clubs and collaborating organizations. Read about the many benefits native plants have to offer and why it makes sense to celebrate and plant them!
Help Trees Thrive: Tear Up Some Turf
It’s fairly common in residential neighborhoods to see trees surrounded by grass or by small mulch beds, often heaped high like a volcano. But did you know that your trees would be healthier and grow faster if you replaced that turf and mulch volcanos with a 2-4” deep ring of mulch that extends out to the tree’s drip line or even beyond? Let’s look at why this is.
Native Trees of McLean
Many of us want to plant native trees for their beauty and the benefits they offer for humans, wildlife, and the ecosystem. But how do we know which native trees are best suited to our site? The key is understanding what conditions our native trees are adapted to in the wild, and choosing native trees that match the conditions of our site. Its also important to create a wholistic habitat and ecosystem for the newly planted tree that will best support it.