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Photo: Joyce Harris


MTF in the news

Over the years, McLean Trees Foundation has appeared many times in local media outlets. We’ve collected these important moments in our history here.

Plant a Native Tree in Your Front Yard: McLean Trees Foundation to mark 50th anniversary

McLean Connection,  March 13, 2020
MTF was founded in 1970 as a semi-autonomous committee of the McLean Citizens Association before incorporating in 2004 as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization. This year marks its 50th anniversary of preserving, planting, and maintaining trees in the McLean community.

Native Trees for McLean Neighborhoods

Sun Gazette,  March 13, 2020
Tree foundation offering specimens to McLean residents.

Native Trees for McLean Neighborhoods

McLean Connection,  August 26, 2019
McLean Trees Foundation helps homeowners beautify their gardens and neighborhoods.

Plant a Tree in Your Front Yard with the McLean Trees Foundation

McLean Connection,  March 15, 2018
Welcome Spring and beautify your neighborhood with the McLean Trees Foundation.

Tree Planting at Tysons Corner

McLean Connection,  May 3, 2017
In recognition of Arbor Day, the McLean Trees Foundation,  with Kajeet, a wireless broadband service company based in Tysons Corner, planted a native Redbud tree next to Kajeet’s headquarters on Jones Branch Drive and Westpark Drive.

Celebrating Arbor Day with Volunteers in the Park

McLean Connection,  May 3, 2017
Twenty-five volunteers recognized Arbor Day with the McLean Trees Foundation by maintaining trees in Lewinsville Park.

McLean Trees Foundation Celebrates Arbor Day by Planting New Trees in McLean

McLean Connection, April 28, 2016
The McLean Trees Foundation donated and planted in Lewinsville Park and Churchill Road Park with the help of 10 volunteers.aintaining trees in Lewinsville Park.

Saving Trees While Building Houses

McLean Connection,  April 27, 2016
McLean's McLean’s Third Annual Tree Forum engages developers and homeowners on the importance of trees.

Holly Hill Garden Club Says Goodbye -  McLean Trees Foundation Receives Donation

McLean Connection, April 7, 2016
After 52 years of volunteer service to the McLean community, the Holly Hill Garden Club announced that it will no longer operate due to retiring members. In an act of generosity, the club distributed half of its remaining treasury funds to the McLean Trees Foundation in support of the planting and care of trees throughout McLean.

McLean Trees Foundation Hosts Tree Forum

McLean Highlander, April 13, 2015
On March 24, 2015, McLean citizens discussed loss of tree canopy at a forum sponsored by Dranesville District Supervisor Fairfax County Tree Commission, Virginia Cooperative Extension, McLean Citizens Association and the McLean Trees Foundation.

Homeowners Encouraged to Plant Trees: McLean Neighborhood Trees Program Receives Support from the McLean Community Foundation

McLean Connection, September 9, 2014
The McLean Neighborhood Tree Program, a new initiative of MTF, is funded in part by the McLean Community Foundation and encourages homeowners to become actively engaged in the selection, planting, and care of their trees.

McLean Trees Foundation Honors Joyce Crandall

McLean Connection, June 11, 2014
During a recent volunteer workday, the McLean Trees Foundation (MTF) planted two native Fringe trees and one American Hornbeam tree along Chain Bridge Road in Lewinsville Park in memory of McLean resident Joyce Crandall.

McLean Trees Foundation Recycling Program Ends

McLean Connection, May 28, 2014
The McLean Trees Foundation (MTF) announced that SP Recycling Corporation, the company responsible for managing MTF’s two recycling bins at Cooper Middle School, removed the bins from school grounds.

Arborists Remove Dead or Dying Pear Trees in Central McLean

Sun Gazette, October 26, 2013
Bartlett Tree Experts, Area Wide Protective (AWP) and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) recently donated their services to the McLean Trees Foundation to remove dead or dying Bradford pear trees on the Dolley Madison Boulevard median between Elm Street and Beverly Road. 

Dolling Up Dolley Madison: McLean Trees Foundation, Partners Prune Bradford Pears

McLean Patch, October 13, 2013
Despite the chill in the air, the Dolley Madison Boulevard median recently got a bit of spring cleaning thanks to the McLean Tree Foundation. Working with the Springfield-based Bartlett Tree Experts, Area Wide Protective out of Fredericksburg and the Virginia Department of Transportation, the groups removed dead or dying Bradford Pear trees between Elm Street and Beverly Road.

Trees Foundation Hopes Its Initiatives Will Take Root

Sun Gazette, October 4, 2013
The McLean Trees Foundation next year will begin an initiative to provide trees for local residents to plant and nurture.

McLean Central Park Planning 2

Sun Gazette, June 12, 2013
Joyce Harris, chairman of the McLean Trees Foundation, argues for tree preservation at McLean Central Park during a June 10 meeting at the McLean Community Center.

Preserving Trees in McLean: McLean Trees Foundation plants, maintains trees at Lewinsville Park

McLean Connection,  May 21, 2013
Volunteers for the McLean Trees Foundation (MTF) honored Mother’s Day and Mother Earth by edging, mulching and pruning 30 trees along Chain Bridge Road in Lewinsville Park in McLean. Three native Fringe Trees were also planted. The trees mark the entrance to Lewinsville Park and provide an important natural gateway to the business and residential community of McLean. 

McLean Trees Foundation Encourages Recycling Bins Use

McLean Patch, May 7, 2013
The McLean Trees Foundation is encouraging McLean residents to use its two red recycling bins located in front of Cooper Middle School on the corner of Balls Hill Road and Georgetown Pike. Proceeds from recycling magazines and newspapers are used by the foundation to purchase, plant and maintain trees in McLean. The bins are always open. 

Richard Poole Walk of Trees

McLean Connection, October 31, 2006
Don Morton first met Richard Poole in 1975, when Morton started taking his newspapers to the recycling bins at Cooper Middle School.       “I would always see Dick in the containers at the school and I would call him 'Mr. Dumpster,'“ said Morton. 

Poole finally asked Morton not to call him “Mr. Dumpster” and Morton took to calling him “Mr. Container,” a name that was much more amenable to Poole. “Then I started to see him all around McLean, in all seasons, in all weather, by himself, always tending to the trees,” said Morton. 

Community Leader and Longtime McLean Citizens Association Board Member Richard Poole Passes Away at 86

McLean Connection, March 8, 2006
A few months ago, David Poole called his brother Richard Poole to check in and see how he was doing. Richard Poole was plagued by a number of health issues, but when David asked his brother how everything was going his reply was characteristically optimistic — “no problem.”  

“I asked him how he could be so cheerful in the face of so much, and he said “I'm leathery,” said David Poole. “But underneath all of that leather and traditionalism and practicality was a warm heart.”      

On Sunday, Feb. 26, at the age of 86, Richard Armstrong Poole died of a heart attack at his home in McLean. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Jillian H. Poole, his two sons Anthony H. Poole and Colin R. Poole, his brother David Poole and two granddaughters. 

DAR Honors McLean's Tree Man Dick Poole Receives DAR Conservation Award

McLean Connection, March 9, 2004
McLean’s “Tree Man,” Dick Poole, was honored by the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) with a conservation award for his years of service.